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Showing posts from June 11, 2013

Why do some Hindu Gods have animal features?

Why do some Hindu Gods have animal features? I received a personal message a few days ago asking this question, and I hope it was an inquiry out of curiosity and not some other motive. So here is a simple explanation to the question: PLEASE READ, COMMENT AND SHARE... In dreams and visions the inner-plane beings have revealed themselves to mankind to be of many forms, expressing many powers. Some appear human, and others, like Ganesha, have animal features. The various gods in hinduism's wide-ranging traditions possess distinct personalities and forms based on how they have been seen in visions and how they are depicted in stories and legends. Hindus feel no need to question the fact, for instance, that Lord Ganesha has the head of an elephant. They know He has been seen in this way by rishis and even by ordinary devotees. Did He choose that form to distinguish Himself as the Lord of Obstacles? No one really knows. The important fact is that millions of Hindus worship and receive

I am not sure what to say or feel about this and have very mixed feelings - Funny, angry, anxious, curious, confused and a few others.

Someone just sent this to me and requested really badly that I share this....  I am not sure what to say or feel about this and have very mixed feelings - Funny, angry, anxious, curious, confused and a few others.  Well, in 10 years or so from now I hope people won't start saying India copied Yoga and Meditation from WEST, and/or Jesus taught yoga. Unless they are already saying this!?  Another curious thing I noticed in this apart from JESUS SURYA NAMASKAR, Jesus sitting in "BUDDHA" pose dressed like him as well. hmm.... Things like this motivate me more and more to make sure to do all I can to spread the knowledge and our SANSKRITI to as many as possible so at least this hijacking won't affect 100% of us and our coming generations. But, again it is what it is....

The "Symbolic" meaning of Lord Ganesha!

The "Symbolic" meaning of Lord Ganesha! We can all learn from it... Don't forget to share if you agree with it..