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Showing posts from September 5, 2013

The Vedic Science behind Eating With Your hands

The Vedic Science behind Eating With Your hands Hands are considered our most precious organ of action. Our hands and feet are said to be the conduits of the five elements--space, air, fire, water and earth. One of the five elements courses through each finger. Through the thumb, angushtha, comes space; through the forefinger, tarjani, air; through the midfinger, madhyama, fire; through the ring finger, anamika, water and through the little finger, kanishtha, earth. In Vedi c tradition, we eat with our hands because the five elements within them begin to transform food and make it digestible even before it reaches the mouth. This transformation also heightens the senses so that we can smell, taste and feel the texture of the foods we are eating. We can also hear the sounds of eating. All of these sensations are a necessary prelude to beckoning agni, the fire of digestion, to ready itself for the meal to come. On the greater dimension, the act of eating is spiritual feasting. We

Do Hindus Practice Animal Sacrifice!?

Do Hindus Practice Animal Sacrifice!? In the Mahabharata, Shantiparv, it is said: सुरा मत्स्याः पशोमाँस द्विजातीनां बलिस्तथा । धूतै॔: प्रवति॔तं यज्ञे नैतद वेदेषु कथ्यते ॥ Knaves and rascals initiated the offering of liquor, fish, animals, and human sacrifice in a yajna. They had a demonical temperament and desired to eat meat in a yajna. In the Vedas eating of flesh has not been recommended. To please Bhairav, Bhawani and other gods and goddesses, some Hindus who were greedy for meat began offering animal sacrifices. During Mughal rule, meat eating became popular. It is said that some greedy priests wrote certain shlokas (verses) that claimed the goddess desired animal sacrifice, and the flesh would be served as prasada, the mercy of the deity. These shlokas were mischievously included in some religious texts. All Vedic religious texts forbid the eating of meat and consider it food for demons. No authentic religious text permits meat eating, unless it has been foolishly tamper


This guide is intended to teach you about the tactics used by missionary groups and cults  The tactics of missionaries and missionary groups may vary, but there are some basic guidelines to keep in mind that will be helpful in dealing with them. CAMOUFLAGE Some missionaries attempt to develop a rapport with their subject without divulging their own religious affiliation. If you are not sure about the religious identity of the stranger who begins talking to you about religion, ask him directly if he is a believer in Jesus. Be suspicious of an indirect answer. Don't be deceived by any outward signs of love and caring. Missionaries are taught to make their targets feel more comfortable by making the speaker seem to be genuinely loving and caring. Missionaries are coached by their superiors to not to arouse suspicion. ASSUMING SUPERIORITY When talking to a person about religion, a missionary may attempt to elicit as many "I don't know" responses a