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Showing posts from March 30, 2013

Can Bengal Take On This New Islamic Fundamentalism...?

Can Bengal Take On This New Islamic Fundamentalism...?  LINK :   http:// www.hindusamhati.blogspot.c om/2013/03/ can-bengal-take-on-this-new -islamic.html --------------------- Successive rejections of bail pleas of Tapan Ghosh, president – Hindu Samhati, stemming from a heinous gambit (outright political) to contain the insubordinate Hindu views (on the rise) have made the administration and secular p olitical forum (cutting across political lines) elated but we, commoners in the Indian state of Bengal, find a grave danger in it. Administration, hell-bent to subdue Hindus, is neglecting the state’s security badly and with each day it passes, every development imperils the same saga. The Shahbag struggle in the realm of Bangladesh has led to a political crisis in that country, unparalleled in every capacity. The reigning mindset of populace and Bangladesh government have made Islamists there panic-stricken and the fright that Jamaat-e-Islami may be outlawed have left only option bef

Hindu Protesters are arrested and Islamic Protesters are fueled-The Art Of Democracy

হিন্দুদের স্বার্থে, হিন্দু সংহতি লড়ছে; লড়বে, TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF HINDU'S, HINDU SAMAHTI WILL ALWAYS FIGHT AGAINST ANY INJUSTICE Mr. Tapan Ghosh, Hindu Rights activist, was recently rearrested because he spoke in favour of hindu community. Today a protest was arranged to protest the wrongful arrest of Mr. Tapan Ghosh and his associates. But surprisingly this same people stayed lame duck today when Islamists rally for genocide Noorul Islam’s home was the first to burn, torched by the soldiers who had arrived at the hamlets on the eastern side of Parerhat Bandar, searching for pro-independence activists and guerrillas. The Pakistani soldiers didn’t find what they were looking for, though. Manik Posari and his servant Ibrahim Sheikh were led away, and tortured. Later, Sheikh was shot dead at point-blank range, and his body thrown into the river.  Posari, who escaped the Pakistan army camp that night, knew the man who picked him out as  pro-independence activist: he



Vastu and science....share it..

{*****"share it"*****} Effect of orientation on health, scientific evidence Recent research in modern science has now confirmed the ancient understanding that our brain is sensitive to orientation, position, and direction in space. Scientists can now measure very accurately how well the brain is functioning under different conditions. This research shows that the firing rate of specific neurons in the thalamus changes in proportion to both the angular velocity and  the direction in which the head moves. The scientists conclude that the brain can keep up with the absolute direction in which the head is pointing as the subject moves from place to place. Likewise, neurons in the hippocampus have been found to be sensitive to position (with reference to direction) in space. When one is facing East, the brain physiology functions differently than facing North, South, or West. The conclusion is that the power of thoughts and the quality of thoughts is influenced by the direc

Think once again!!! Jai hind...

Think once again!!!   Jai hind.............!!!!!!!!!!

hindu helpline

कुछ फेसबुक पर कांग्रेसी गद्दार कहते फिरते है की सुब्रमनियन स्वामी के कोर्ट के लड़ाई से आज तक किसी को जेल नहीं हुइ। उन ****** को थोडा अक्ल महाकाल दे।  * आज डॉ सुब्रमनिया स्वामी के कारन ही आज कैलाश मानसरोवर का रास्ता हिन्दुओ के लिए खुला * राम सेतु को 1 सफ्ताह में सरकार तोरने वाली थी, आरएसएस/विहिप वगरह मिलकर डॉ स्वामी से कहे की राम सेतु को बचने के लिए कुछ करे नहीं तो टूट जायेगा। उसे बाद डॉ स्वामी के  प्रयासों के कारन ही राम सेतु इस हिन्दू विरोधी सरकार द्वारा टूटने से बचा। * डॉ स्वामी ने ही दक्चिन भारत के मंदिरों को करूणानिधि जैसे हिन्दू विरोधी के चुंगुल से निकलवाया था * डॉ सुब्रमनियन स्वामी के प्रयासों से ही आज इलेक्ट्रॉनिक वोटिंग मशीन में हुए धांधली के खिलाफ सरवोछ न्यायलय ठोस कदम उठा रही है। * दिल्ली की हमारी बहन ज्योति पाण्डेय की मुहम्मद अफरोज और 5 कमीनो ने मिलकर बलात्कार किया। सही को सजा हो रहे है लेकिन जिस राक्षस अफरोज ने ज्योति की हत्या की वो कांग्रेस पार्टी का है इसलिए उसे कांग्रेस बचा रही है। सारे लोग नारे लगा कर आज अपने घरो में है लेकिन डॉ स्वामी आज भी ज्योति के लिए कोर्ट में लड़