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Showing posts from August 15, 2013

Freedom in India - THEN AND NOW!

Freedom in India - THEN AND NOW ! Please read and share... Do youth today associate ‘freedom’ with the country’s Independence or with their personal freedom? You value something more when you have some memory of the event. Youth today might not relate to the 1947 generation’s experience of Independence. Even their parents were perhaps not part of that experience. It is something they hear people talk about or read in textbooks.  So the meaning of freedom for today’s youth  comes from their experience of it — their freedom or lack of it comes from their own life. These definitions are context-sensitive. Take, for instance, childhood. To an adult, a child is so free, with no responsibilities. But the child’s experience of freedom is restricted by what adults want them to do or not do. Adults see childhood as a period of freedom, whereas the child may not see it that way. The child’s dominant reality is not freedom; so too for an adolescent who feels he is not free. A young adult’s