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Showing posts from January 9, 2016

How I Embraced Hindu Dharma

For several  years now I have identified myself as a believer in Sanatan Dharma. Sometimes I feel comfortable referring to myself as a Hindu, and yet other times I feel quite uncomfortable. I’ll explain why shortly. Embracing the Hindu philosophy has been quite simple for me really. The moment I began reading The Upanishads something awoke inside of me. I had this incredible moment, or moments I should say, of absolute clarity that what I was reading was truth, and it made complete sense. I was giddy with excitement about it for days. I read The Upanishads every night to my husband before bed. I’ll always cherish those first moments of discovery with him. As any  convert to a new religion knows, I was quite overwhelmed in the beginning. I read everything I could get my hands on regarding Hinduism. My mind was flooded with the immense history and rich culture that comprises the oldest religion in the world. There were many times when I thought to myself, ‘What are you doing? This

Arise Arjuna

The world, perhaps as usual, is in a state of crisis. Yet unlike previous crises, which were local in nature, the fate of the globe itself is now at stake, not only humanity but all life on Earth is threatened.  And in this extremity no nation has yet arisen as a defender of the Truth or spokesperson for the spiritual values of humanity. The communist  nations, after decades of floundering in confusion and corruption, have recently faded with the collapse of their economic structures through perpetual mismanagement. Only the ghost or shadow of communism lingers, while whatever idealism it might have had has been traded in for personal gain. The capitalistic  nations strive to maintain their wealth and affluence by exploiting the planet, selfishly consuming the future resources of humanity for their present transient enjoyment.  Between new technological wonders and a growing disillusionment with material gains, they move at an uneasy pace. The underdeveloped  or third world f

Basic Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev...

Basic Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev... Ahimsa or non violence --------------------------- Do not speak evil of any one. This is the ahimsa of thought. Do not speak harshly to any one. This is the ahimsa of speech. Do not impede any one's work. This is the ahimsa of action. Forgive him who speaks ill of you. Practice physical, mental and spiritual forbearance. Help those who are suffering even at the cost of your life.  Asceticism ------------ Guru Nanak did not advocate ascet ic life as a way to salvation. He himself led a normal life, amidst society, in touch with people of his time, though he was completely God centered and detached from the world and its ways. He preached that asceticism was not the way and the way to salvation was not incompatible with good life, laughing, eating, playing and dressing well. Humility --------- Nanak was humility personified. He often described himself as servant of God or slave to God. He preached service to humanity as service to G

Time for India’s Rebirth

Western society today  believes only in “exploitation,” “expansion,” “efficiency,” “competitiveness”—and seeks to transform its members into unthinking cogs in a huge Machine. We will certainly find some remarkable individuals here and there, but the mass is left to live from day to day, with, now and then, the luxury of a fit of depression, when the void in their hearts becomes a little too acute. Or, if it is not depression, it is a bottomless pit of degradation. Western civilization, if it can be given this noble name, was built on cynical greed, with a thin veneer of culture to give it a respectable appearance. Anyone who finds this statement excessive should study the way “leading” Western nations spend their time selling weapons of death to everyone, then sending peace missions to extinguish the wars they started, and more bombers in case the peace missions are turned down. Not to speak  of the countless dictators and terrorists they constantly create, only to fight them