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Showing posts from September 26, 2015

Seeing Hinduism with Clarity(Understanding Hinduism)

In these last decades,   the world has been changing. The phenomenon called “Hindu Awakening” has created a growing favorable interest towards Hinduism not only in India, but at global level. Simultaneously, we have seen that in Western countries there has been a considerable development of the neo-pagan movements and the resurgence of ancient native religions and cultures – all of which are fundamentally compatible with Hinduism, the last surviving bulwark of ancient pre-abrahamic cultures. The monolith of  the abrahamic ideologies is cracking, and so is the biased academic approach that was aimed at dismissing the ancient pagan cultures as primitive and ignorant superstitions or childish fables. People from  all walks of life and backgrounds are eager to get direct access to the ancient texts and original traditions, to find answers to their individual and collective questions, and better solutions to the serious problems we are all facing. A paradigm shift  is actually hap