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Showing posts from December 21, 2013

Snapshot of Global Religious landscape as per latest Research

The  Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life  conducted a comprehensive demographic study of over 230 countries and territories in 2012 , and some of their results might surprise you. Here are ten things that you should know about the current state of religion in today's world. 1. Religious 'Nones' Are Third-Largest Group Religiously unaffiliated people are the third-largest "religious" group worldwide, behind Christians and Muslims. Roughly one-in-six people around the globe, 16.3%, are religious "nones." 2. China Has Huge Population Of Religiously Unaffiliated The number of religiously unaffiliated people in China alone is more than twice the United States' total population. About 700 million Chinese residents do not identify with a specific religious group. 3. Most People Are Part Of Religious Majorities In Their Countries Nearly 3/4 of the world's people live in countries where their group is a religious ma