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Showing posts from October 6, 2013

What is meditation?

What is meditation?  Becoming one with the soul. It means banishing the consciousness of being related to the body and to human limitations, and trying to remember that one is a soul. ॐ Meditation is the science of reuniting the soul with  Spirit. The soul, descending from God into flesh, manifests its consciousness and life force through seven chakras, or centres of light, in man's cerebrospinal axis. ॐ The true state of meditation is oneness of the meditator with the object of meditation, God. ॐ First practice the presence of God in daily life by making your meditation very deep. It is better to meditate a little bit with depth than to mediate long with the mind running here and there. If you do not make an effort to control the mind it will go on doing as it pleases, no matter how long you sit to meditate. ॐ God has not be earned. He has only to be sought. Meditation is the only way. Beliefs, reading books — these cannot give you realization. Meditation brings proof of the