Dear Respected Chief Minister Banerjee,
I am writing you to express my concern over the arrest of Tapan Ghosh the President of the Hindu Samhati. Any discomfort experienced by your administration due to the activism of Tapan Ghosh and Hindu Samhati can be directly connected to the ongoing Government policies.
If the Govt did their job to treat all citizens of West Bengal equally, if the Police did their job to respond when women are violated, temples vandalized and homes are being looted and cows being smuggled and slaughtered by the thousands, if the media did their job to highlight the truth regarding the ongoing wave of criminalism and thuggery sweeping Bengal then Tapan ji would, as he has stated numerous times, be engaged in his chosen field of expertise, science, chemistry, research and farming.
Your State of West Bengal belongs not to just Bengalis but to the millions around the world who look towards Bengal as their Cultural Motherland. Be it the poetry of Tagore, the music of Ravi Shankar or the Teachings of Sri Chaitanya, Bengal is a source of Inspiration to countless people throughout the world. It behooves you to recognize the validity of our concern at the state of affairs. This is not an unprecedented act of concern by non-Indians as we see in the case of George Harrison's activism with his concert for Bangladesh.
I personally have hours of first hand recorded testimony and documents verifying countless incidents of rape, murder, temple desecration and vandalism, land theft and so many other human rights violation happening now in your state.
Perhaps you are not aware of this state of affairs. If interested I will submit these findings to your esteemed office.
Please reconsider your administrations response to Tapan Ghosh's activism. I urge you to immediately drop all charges against Tapan Ghosh and release him from jail. He is engaged in very important social work that is helping countless of the suffering and ignored citizens of your own State.
Sincerely Brannon Parker
Editor in Chief
American Hindu Today Magazine
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